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Is focus a good thing?

Does focus mean you miss the donkey

Is focus always a good thing?  Middle managers focus on success in their slices of the organization chart.  Researchers focus on patterns and themes in their data. In quantitative research, we look for statistically significant patterns and themes. In our society, we are pushed to narrow and clearly define our boundaries.  In research, this is […]

How did “social” get the black hat?


“Social” as Learning, Improving and Celebrating Some time ago, I sent out invitations to join an asynchronous five-day conversation about “Do it Yourself” (DIY) learning and how to support it.  The event was in the CPsquare community:  one of my online “homes.”  Like all CPsquare activities, this event emerged from intersecting member interests; not from […]

June 14 twitter Un-chat: Facilitating Scheduled Online Activities

On June 14, we will have the 4th BC Campus-hosted Online Community Enthusiasts’ Gathering. This is primarily a f2f event, but we will do more than tweet with the hashtag (this year it is #OCE2012) to hear from, and share with online community enthusiasts around the world. This year’s theme is facilitating scheduled activities. Here […]