Social Technologies
Alice MacGillivray > Social Technologies
“Social” as Learning, Improving and Celebrating Some time ago, I sent out invitations to join an asynchronous five-day conversation...
If you read my last post, you saw that we held a “twitter un-chat” as part of our efforts...
Yesterday I tweeted that authors of a blog post about knowledge management had managed to push my buttons. I...
You have undoubtedly noticed the exponential growth of tips—on twitter, for example—about how to achieve things through social media....
I am about to respond to a request from some colleagues to post ideas from recent research. To set...
A comment by John Lebkowsky in twitter about democracy standing in line piqued my interest and led me to...
Yesterday, I read an that inspired this poem: Twepistemologies with apologies (and credit) to John Godfrey Saxe There were...
If you are interested in communities of practice and related technologies, there is an exciting new book in print....
This morning, Sandy Heierbacher of the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD) asked about my views on the...
Those of you in knowledge management circles probably know the work of Jerry Ash. Jerry has left some of...