— Bibliographies

I help organizations support communities of practice (a theoretically-grounded concept developed by Etienne Wenger), and designed and taught the first graduate course about these groups of people who share a strong interest, and learn from each other, often generating and sharing critical knowledge. A participant in the course, Dr. Howard Dobson, created a valuable resource for anyone interested in CoP-related research and research-related CoPs. (more info)

I have updated this list of KM Citations in February 2011; it now includes information about 200 recent knowledge-management-related dissertations and theses. The links are determined by the phrase “knowledge management” in the titles or abstracts, and/or by the provider’s classification system. Professionals or academics in the field might have omitted some and added others. Ewen Le Borgne created a  from the list when it had 150 items: thanks Ewen!

Work about new social technologies is also appearing in masters and doctoral level research work. This list–Microblog Citations–shows citation information for 12 recent microblogging-related dissertations and theses. The links are determined by the terms “twitter” or “microblogging” in the titles or abstracts, and/or by the provider’s classification system.